TD5 - Ancillary Services Markets
Two types of reserve markets will be developed: a) for normal operation and b) for emergency operation.
A hierarchical autonomous agent based approach (Microgrid plus multi-Microgrid levels) will be developed. Several types of bids, for pre-defined time intervals, from DG units, loads and Microgrid cells will be exchanged for the purpose of providing reserves (activation of possible secondary reserves through load shedding or participation of Microgrids or emergency generation).
In this task Manchester and INESC Porto will optimally allocate ancillary service requirements among multiple Microgrids in order to support the operation of distribution and transmission networks while maximising the benefits to individual Microgrids. This will include scheduling of secondary voltage and frequency reserves that individual Microgrids could offer to the system, taking full participation of demand side. This will include evaluation of both short and long term ancillary services contracts.
ICCS/NTUA will investigate also ways of co-ordinating the power exchange and the market participation of multi-Microgrids. Moreover, any necessary modifications in the operation of Microgrids, as suggested in WPB, will be proposed so that the multi-Microgrids structure can participate in the short-term market.