WPC Alternative Microgrids Designs
The main objective of this WP is to deal thoroughly with the architecture, technical design and requirements for the basic constituents of a Microgrid, with emphasis on the interconnecting LV network. It will also deal with alternative concepts for the interconnection of the microsources and loads, so that effective coordination between conventional regulating means and the microsource controllers can be achieved. The WP will address issues such as the converter topologies used for interfacing microsources to the grid, the microsource protection philosophy, the earthing arrangements and the protection paradigm for the network, in conjunction with the microsource protection systems, the preferred structure of the LV network for Microgrid operation, etc. Further, it will proceed into investigating the feasibility of novel concepts, such as variable frequency or DC networks, equipped with suitable power electronics interfaces towards the grid and the loads. Such concepts might permit a relaxation of the security limits of the Microgrid operation, with a major economic impact.
The WP will include extensive laboratory testing and validation, where applicable
Description of work :
TC1 - Investigation of the optimal network structure
TC2 - Technical requirements for network protection
TC3 - Alternative microsource interface topologies
TC4 - Evaluation of novel Microgrid concepts
DC1. Report "Alternative Microgrid network structures"
DC2. Report "Novel protection system for Microgrid"
DC3. Report "Microsource interface topology and control".
DC4. Report "Novel Microgrid concepts".