TB4. Centralized Control Software adaptation
Based on the outcomes of TB1 and the results of TB2 and TB3, the centralized control software will be integrated and tested in the laboratory Microgrid of ICCS/NTUA.
For two selected actual Installations, described in WPF:
ICCS/NTUA will enhance, if needed and adapt the economic scheduling functions and the dynamic security rules.
INESC will provide on-line dynamic security functions.
ARMINES will provide modules for load, electricity prices and generation forecasting and uncertainty estimation. The above functions will be integrated to the centralised control software through a common user interface. The demonstration of the above functions on a real test case will consist a good opportunity for understanding the challenges with the Microgrids operation.
ARMINES will also develop economic scheduling functions that account for the uncertainties on the input variables (generation, load, prices). It will be studied the level of aggregation on the microsources or loads required to reduce uncertainties and maximise the economic benefits. The outcome of this Task will be a useful guideline for choosing among centralised and decentralised strategies for the management of a single or multi-Microgrids.